These were fun, but I need to shift gears now and move onto other things.
I liked going back to Prismacolors, which I haven't used much for a while. Funny how you get used to one kind of pencil, then the others feel weird.
These are all small - 4.5 inches square on a 5.25 inch square sheet of Stonehenge paper.
And they're all for sale.
Fall is in the air and I'm all excited. I can wear socks again, and sweaters, and real shoes. Like a civilized person. You "summer people" have had your turn, now its ours, we fanciers of Fall.
I've enjoyed the taffy portraits! So lovely and soft...
They are so cute and well done. The top one reminds me of a little girl with pigtails - lol.
Once again, on the same page....
Started wearing socks on Monday. ;-)
Your drawings bring new meaning to"eye candy". You are making me want to play with colored pencils when I need to be working on the I Mac.
Well, unbelievably enough, I, too, am looking forward to Fall. I'm a true-blood summer person, sandals, light summer dresses, flip flops (I know, I know, I remember the previous post). But it's kinda been 'fall' all summer long around here. Very cool, very foggy at the coast, grey mornings, afternoons, evenings. So, I figured, well, I'm just going to embrace it. Bought a couple of new light pullover sweaters the other day. Broke out the socks and regular shoes about a week ago. Looking forward to 'decorating' my humble abode for fall. (Fall is easy, you buy a couple of pumpkins, you're done!) Enjoy the change of season with kitties snuggled close and a hot cup of tea!
how fun!
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