I wonder what she's reading? "The Secret Life of Bees?" "to be or not to be ..."?
She's about 6 x 6, Prismacolors and Polychromos on Stonehenge.
I'm really enjoying going back to this style. Its more time-consuming, yes. But like I said, its who I really am as an artist. And life's too short to waste doing art that's not from the heart.
Adorable. Welcome back.
I LOVE it!!! Shes adorable! :)
BEE yourself!!
I couldn't agree with you more.
Life is too short.
Lovely letter B art.
Ooooo.... She turned out crazy good! She looks like a very cool and hip, grooving, sophisticated storyteller/poet type, in the '50s coffeehouse, sunglasses worn inside, snapping fingers instead of applauding' vein. I wonder what she's reading... maybe excerpts from Kerouac's On the Road....? Super good work Paula. Yep this style is your passion; one can SEE it in the work. Bravo!
P.S. Yes, life is too short to waste time, so always eat dessert first! :)
She is very cute indeed!
Thanks everybody!
Fabulous Bee Paula! Only you could draw a bee in such a fun and witty way. I love how you did her legs (chuckle). So nice to see you work those cps again :)
I love your bee!
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