I see that it was hanging above Pam Belcher's "Water Totem" piece, which is pretty amazing, and which won an Award of Excellence.

I can't quite make out the other pieces - I'll have to go back and look through the entries at some point and figure it out. But its nice to finally see how my art looked on the wall there. Its like you don't really believe it was hanging there until you see it for yourself. Now, its hanging in my living room in a quiet little corner. Its had its day in the spotlight and is happy to be home (I think).
Listen to me.
I guess its not too early to start thinking about next year's entry. Actually, the Explore This! 7 show prospectus is available now - the deadline to enter is November 15th. This is the one where you can enter a piece that's mostly colored pencil, but also has to have some other medium with it.

Hey Paula, your piece is actually hanging next to mine..."Caught up in the Moment". I was able to make it out there. It was my first time and very exciting! I hope that you'll be able to make it for next year's!
Good luck on up and coming shows!
Many apologies - sorry it took me so long to pass along the photos and the pics could have been better but I traveled with my less expensive camera (left the good one at home). Glad you enjoyed seeing how your piece was displayed and yes your art was next to Dianna's. (And woo-hoo her piece sold!)
Sheesh, next year? I'm not ready to think about that. I am still trying to find a place in my studio to store my massive shipping box! Perhaps I could just paint the box in some funky design and it could become part of the decor?
Okay, now maybe I should actually post some of the other pics I took at the convention. :-) Soon...
Great inspiration for realistic works. Congratulations again, and thanks for posting.
I would try to enter, but I am not there yet!
Getting better all the time, though
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